Teaching youth to manage mental health challenges




Mobile app for mental health management

Human Need

Knowing the reach and immense toll of mental health problems, Vancouver Island Health Authority wanted to make mental health tools and resources accessible at any time, any place to teens and young adults outside clinics.

Digital Solution

Robots & Pencils developed BoosterBuddy, an iOS and Android app, featuring a friendly avatar companion. Using elements of gamification, the app helps individuals engage in positive wellness habits, cope more effectively with symptoms and overcome difficulty with planning and organizing regular tasks. During the app design and development, our team regularly collected input not only from the staff at the health authority, but also from the population they serve, helping to ensure the final product resonates well with its intended audience.

BoosterBuddy was made possible thanks to the generous support of the Victoria Hospitals Foundation.

A Far Better Way

245,000+ app installs on Android and iOS, with a 4.5 average rating

21 conferences and presentations have featured this innovative app

6-year partnership between R&P and Vancouver Island Health